Wednesday, February 9, 2011

#8 Making the boo boo better

They all fall down. At least twice a week, I find myself playing nurse. And the kids love to milk it for all its worth. They come to me with scratches that are only visible under a powerful microscope; and I baby them. For most of my 10 to 11-year-olds, this is one of the last few years for that. So I slather on some disinfectant, dab on some yellow ointment (I should find out what thats stuff really is) and tape them up before sending them off with a pat on their shoulder. And they gently limp away or clutch their wrists gingerly- whichever's hurt, reasured that someone cares about the phantom scratch.

I feel AWESOME when I make their boo boos feel better!

Image from here.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Enjoying a 5 day Chinese New Year break!
I love my job, but without a doubt, having school holidays off is one of THE MOST AWESOME things about being a teacher.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#6 Overhearing Little Criminals

Try eavesdropping on kids and you'll see they are already gearing towards certain stereotypes. Overheard between 9-year-olds today:

Boy 1: Is that four-wheel-drive your Dad's?
Boy 2: Yeah.
Boy 1: He should get a Hummer. Then he can rob banks and not worry about getting shot because it's bullet proof.

Seeing a notorious criminal of the future while he's still in school is...