Monday, January 24, 2011

#3 Taking a Sick Day

Happy to be Sick?
Ok, so this is not exclusive to teachers. Every adult since the dawn of employment feels a strange sense of pleasure in waking up (on a weekday) with a stuffy nose and sore throat. Once that dreaded, over-dramatised call to the office is out of the way (thank God for employers who accept sms alerts), its just lovely isn't it? You take the medication, you build a nest in front of the television and groggily catch up on re-runs of Glee and How I Met Your Mother.

The Call of the Class
Then comes your responsible side (if you happenned to have one), raising questions and doubts on how well the kids are coping without you. Are they running amok without the class teacher present?  Is the substitute teacher able to understand my lesson plans? Would the children be ok without me? It's all a pile of poo to make me feel more important than I really am. I think I'm flirting with this subdued ego that teachers carry. More than once I've encountered teachers displaying quite (hmmm?) pride on their teaching prowers. But, I'd rather be one of those than the ones who do just enough to make it to pay day.

They Are Not to be Underestimated
Children are more resilient than I sometimes give them credit for. I'm just a paragraph in their daily books. I'm sure we'll pick up where we left off tomorrow. But today, I'm glad I can take the day off and recuperate, wondering what tales they'll tell me on how they manipulated the substitute teacher. I used to be one; and it's awesome to now be on this side of the fence.

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